A Partnership to Strengthen the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council System
through Volunteer and Peer Mentoring Efforts

Purpose: The purpose of the Councils for Councils (C4C) Peer Mentoring/Training Program is to strengthen the Neighborhood Council system through the recruitment, training and placement of “expert” Neighborhood Council members to serve as mentors/trainers to less experienced Neighborhood Councils and its members thereby assisting to improve a Neighborhood Council’s effectiveness in addressing community needs by engaging stakeholders.

Mission: The mission of the Councils for Councils program is to better serve local communities by incorporating service ideals into the Neighborhood Council system.

Process: To request assistance from the C4C, a Neighborhood Council board must fill out the C4C Request for Support Form and submit to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. The Department will assess the request and respond accordingly. The C4C Request for Support must be accompanied by a Board Resolution indicating Board discussion and action, resulting in an official request for support and/or training as a body.

Contact: The C4C program can assist NCs with issue specific problem solving, mentoring and training in many areas. Call NCSupport at 213-978-1551 with questions or comments, fax NCSupport at 213-978-1751, or email NCSupport@LACity.org with your Request and Board Resolution.