Board of Neighborhood Commissioners to honor Neighborhood Councils
that best achieve their mission

The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (Commission) is accepting nominations for the Third Annual EmpowerLA awards. The awards are given to Neighborhood Councils that best fulfill their city charter mandate of promoting more citizen participation in government and making government more responsive to local needs.

Nominations can be submitted online at and must be submitted by July 11, 2014. Neighborhood Councils can self-nominate

The Commission will present the Awards at the Congress of Neighborhoods, honoring seven Neighborhood Councils, one for each Commission Region, based on the following criteria:

1. NC’s that have made remarkable achievements in fulfilling their dual mission of:

  • Promoting more citizen participation in City government; and
  • Making City government more responsive to local needs.

2. NC’s that embody the highest ideals of inclusiveness, non-discrimination, transparency, and independence, as detailed in the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils.

The Commission will also use its “Neighborhood Councils Rules and Best Practices Guide” as a source of other relevant criteria, and as a tool for measuring and evaluating NC achievements.

There are 95 Neighborhood Councils in the City of Los Angeles, made up of 1,764 Board members who oversee a vast network of volunteers that work together to connect their communities with City Hall.

The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners was established by the City Charter in 1999 as a policy-setting and oversight commission for the Neighborhood Councils and the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment.

For more information on the EmpowerLA awards, the Commission, or the Neighborhood Councils, email or call 213-978-1551.

Click here for information on the 2012 and 2013 EmpowerLA Awards and the Neighborhood Councils that were honored at the Congress of Neighborhoods and by the City Council.