Your feedback on Citywide Wifi is requested.

The LA Community Broadband Network (LACBN) initiative (follow on Twitter @LACBN #LAWantsGbFiber #LAWantsWiFi) is a project that is seeking an industry business model that will enable a high speed gigabit network to be implemented in Los Angeles to all residences, businesses, nonprofits and government facilities. It is also seeking WiFi for visitors, students leveraging their mobile devices, and outdoor access. Some component of each is desired to be free, while a higher speed paid tiered service offering is desired at a competitive rates to other gigabit cities.

On June 30th, all comments on the Request for Information (located at ) will be captured by Best, Best & Kreiger (BBK is outside counsel with expertise in municipal broadband) in conjunction with our City Attorney’s Office.

If there are any fiber or WiFi needs that you would like included or excluded, this would be a good time to send an email to Any required components will be considered for inclusion/exclusion in the RFP which will be drafted over the summer. On behalf of the LA Community Broadband initiative, thank you for making the time to ensure your initiatives are satisfied.

In addition to emailing your comments to, your Neighborhood Council can file a Community Impact Statement (see West Hills NC for an example) and get your comments attached to Council File 13-0953.