Written by Mike Fong, EmpowerLA Director of Policy & Government Relations

The Funding Equity Working Group has been meeting since the end of January to formulate recommendations to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners about Neighborhood Council funding. The Group had an excellent meeting on Monday, April 23rd at the CD 9 Constituent Service Center. Thank you to the Office of City Councilmember Price for hosting the meeting. Thank you also to the Office of the City Clerk for their participation.

There was a robust discussion on a number of funding-related topics. The group also analyzed various Neighborhood Council funding concept proposals, including a presentation on proposed base funding with an augmentation based on census population.

The Equity Group voted to support a proposal including four funding concepts from Tony Wilkinson and a proposal from Brad Kane (https://empowerla.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/BONC-NCFEWG-Proposed-Recommendations-Vice-Chair-04.23.18.pdf).  The remaining funding equity proposals submitted by other group members will be evaluated at the next meeting.

After a total of seven meetings thus far, there will be one more Funding Equity Work Group meeting on Thursday, May 17th. That meeting begins at 6:30 pm and will take place in the John Ferraro City Council Chambers at LA City Hall (3rd floor, Room 350).

Thank you to the boardmembers and stakeholders of various Neighborhood Councils for your participation in the Neighborhood Council Funding Equity Work Group!