By Tony Wilkinson

The Los Angeles City Council’s Rules committee, with input from Mayor Eric Garcetti, will announce its revised proposal for DWP Reform sometime between next Wednesday and Friday, June 1 to 3. This is the last chance for input before the plan gets made.

If you have strong opinions on what should be in the DWP Reform package, send a personal email NOW to Andrew Westall, who is Council President Wesson’s assistant chief deputy (

Here is the planned schedule. These dates are tentative.

May 17 (Friday) – Rules Committee final input hearing (Environmental Issues / CAO-CLA Reports
June 1 to 3 (Wednesday to Friday) – Rules Committee special meeting announces proposal
June 7 (Tuesday) – City Council discussion of DWP Reform
June 8 (Wednesday) – City Council adopts recommendations and instructs City Attorney to prepare
June 17 (Friday) – Rules Committee meeting adopts ballt language resolution and ordinance
June 22 (Wednesday) – City Council adopts ballot language resolution and ordinance
June 29 (Wednesday) – City Council has second reading if necessary

On Thursday, May 26, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) issued three joint reports on DWP Reform issues. The reports provide options for changing the Department’s Contracting Powers, Board Support, and Board Structure. These reports were heard at a special meeting of the Rules committee at 8:30 am today, Friday, May 27. This Rules meeting will also focus on DWP Reform input from the environmental community.

Check out the documents on Council File 16-0093 for copies of these reports and other documents and public input on the DWP Reform proposal.

Please send your questions and comments on DWP Reform to DWP Reform information will be posted regularly at There is additional information at

Tony Wilkinson is the Chair of the Neighborhood Council – DWP MOU Oversight Committee. He will be contributing information on the DWP Reform process to the EmpowerLA newsletter each week.