The Elections Team is here to help you when you need it. So to help guide your budget and key event/outreach planning, check out this quick “cheat sheet” to use as a basis for your planning. Questions? Email or

Click here for your Election Timeline per Region. Click here for your Neighborhood Council Service Regions Election Schedule.

1. Attend one of the EmpowerLA’s Elections Workshops:

2. Create your Neighborhood Council’s Election Committee

i. That consists of the Election Chair, Outreach Chair and several stakeholders/committee members.
ii. Objective: To carry out a strategic plan to bring awareness of candidate registration, Neighborhood Council purpose/importance and election date.
iii. Set up a monthly meeting (or two) to plan and execute your elections outreach.

3. Create a budget. Here are the basics needed to get your outreach done:

i. Flyers or handout postcards on several key events/dates: 1) Become a candidate 2) Register to vote online (only 35 NCs have this option in addition to their polling location) 3) Attend the Candidate Forum 4) Attend the Community Rally (plan this during candidate registration period) 5) Get the vote out (pre-election day/night).
ii. Direct mail piece (VERY IMPORTANT to do at least one mailer. Best is to include all candidates and promote them, the election date, how to register to vote online (if that is your NC), and highlight what a NC does, why it’s important to vote for your community representative/leader.
iii. Vinyl banner on Election – use at board meetings, outreach events. Expect anywhere from
iv. Candidate Forum Event – date, location, promotion, collateral material, lite food (budget).
v. Rally to Get People Excited about Community Engagement Event – location, theme, partnerships with other community groups, activities (movie? Carnival? Music? Food trucks?), promotion, collateral material, etc..
vi. Election Day/Night Event – make this something your community and its partners can celebrate. You can host a themed event that happens to have elections taking place at the same time – location, theme, partnerships with other community groups, activities (movie? Carnival? Music? Food trucks?), promotion, collateral material, etc.
vii. Blog articles, newspaper articles, school papers, calendar of events on various sites (Patch, NextDoor,, local sites/publications, etc.)

a. You may want to buy ad space in local magazine or newspaper
b. You may find that bundling your budget spend with other NCs in your Region will give you a better price.
c. Though, the ad will include all the details of their election night (or whatever you promote) so it promotes several NCs in one region.

4. Calendar Planning – When planning events and outreach, start your planning at least 3 months before you need to have the event/promotion “Live” and in the hands of your stakeholder.

5. Social Media – Create a Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook page for your NC. Use “Events” tab of Facebook for all your key dates.

6. Website – EmpowerLA will provide you a series of creative widgets (about 2×2 size) for you to include on your home page. Each widget will be call-to-action oriented for (1) Become a Candidate (2) Register to Vote Online (3) Get the Vote Out. Widgets 1 & 2 will be directed to the proper EmpowerLA or City Clerk page for the stakeholder to take action. The 3rd widget would be for your promotion on the ELECTION day/time and event.

7. E-Newsletter – Plan on several communications to let your stakeholders know about your events and elections. Again, consider the timing of the election process.