PlanCheckNC is the Neighborhood Council Alliance focusing on planning and land use issues. Land Use Committee members are especially encouraged to attend, but anyone interested in learning how to navigate the City’s planning and development process is welcome. PlanCheckNC meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 10 am. at Hollenbeck Police Station, 2111 E. 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033.

Meeting recap – PlanCheckNC June 9th

At the June 9th NC PlanCheckNC meeting, Bonnie Kim from Los Angeles Department of City Planning did a presentation on the Process and Procedures Code Amendment. The Process and Procedures Ordinance will be the second major part of a larger effort to update the City’s Zoning Code. The proposal will lay the groundwork  for more user-friendly set of guidelines. As a part of the proposed action, the new administrative provisions will go into a new Chapter 1A of the Municipal Code and will apply to both the existing Zoning Code (Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code) and the new one when it goes into effect. Chapter 1A will eventually serve as the only Zoning Code for the City of Los Angeles; however, it will be adopted in phases, replacing the content of Chapter 1 over time, and implementing the policies of Community Plans as they are adopted.

The Planning Department will give a presentation, answer questions, and conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at the Ronald F. Deaton Civic Auditorium, 100 W. 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Please submit comments or questions to: Bonnie Kim at, or call (213) 978-1330. In order to be considered in the report to the City Planning Commission, written comments should be received by July 6, 2018. Comments can also be submitted through MarkUp, a document based feedback system, by visiting Comments received after July 6, 2018 should be addressed to the City Planning Commission at for its consideration.