Los Angeles is home to one of the largest and most vibrant Korean American communities in the United States. Korean Americans contribute significantly to the social, cultural, and economic fabric of our City’s present and future.
On behalf of the City of Los Angeles, we invite you to join us at “Meet the City Leaders” on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at Los Angeles City Hall. Each Department representative will speak for 3-5 minutes about their department roles and responsibilities. This event is an opportunity for City staff and departments to connect with Korean American small business owners and community members to strengthen partnerships.
- 3:30 pm—4:00 pm: Registration / Check -in (3rd Floor Rotunda, City Hall)
Community participants, attendees, elected offices and department representatives will check-in upon arrival. - 4:00 pm—5:00 pm: Main Program (John Ferraro Council Chambers, City Hall)
City Staff, special guests, and Departments will present opportunities and services for partnerships in the community . - 5:00 pm —6:30 pm: Networking Reception (3rd Floor Rotunda, City Hall)
An opportunity for the community participants to network with Elected Offices and City Department Representatives.
For more information about this event, please contact Andrew Suh, CD 4 Legislative Aide at Andrew.Suh@lacity.org or (213) 473-2398 at your earliest convenience. We thank you for your consideration.