The Congress of Neighborhoods is the largest Neighborhood Council event of the year. Nearly 900 Neighborhood Council leaders come to City Hall for this day of education and networking, so save the date for this year’s NC Congress, happening Saturday September 22nd.
How to submit workshop ideas for the 2018 NC Congress
Please submit your ideas for workshop topics & instructors by 11:59 PM (PST) on Sunday, July 1. A total of 32 workshops are planned for the 2018 NC Congress – 8 workshops per session for each of the four 75-minute sessions. Please submit your workshop suggestions via the submission form at . If you have any questions regarding workshops, please direct them to Workshop Coordinator Daniel Perez at
Attend a Congress Planning Committee meeting
Help plan the 2018 Congress! The next meeting of the Planning Committee is:
Saturday July 7
1:00 PM
DWP Headquarters
John Ferraro Building
111 N Hope St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(meeting in first floor cafeteria)
free parking is available on premises