We all know water conservation is a hot topic in California right now, and organizations like the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance have been encouraging communities to take concrete steps to reduce their water use in their homes and businesses.

A key component of a smarter, more sustainable water policy is the improved capture and use of stormwater, and with a hopefully wet winter coming up, LA is preparing to capture and store as much stormwater as possible.

If your Neighborhood Council is planning a community event, you can receive free City of Los Angeles Stormwater Program outreach materials to distribute to attendees.

LA Stormwater works with event organizers to develop a tailor-made assortment of outreach materials ranging from brochures and tip cards to posters and pens to coloring books and stickers to be distributed at the event. We’ll even throw in a table cloth, literature holders and appropriate signage to give the table a polished, professional look! In return for the free outreach materials, the event organizer identifies a volunteer to sit at the table and distribute the outreach materials to the event attendees.

Here’s how you can get started:

  • Identify a volunteer to sit at the table and distribute materials
  • Review our gallery of materials and decide which ones would be most appropriate for your event attendees
  • Contact LA Stormwater to request all of the items you need for the event: call (800) 974-9794 or email lastormwater@lacity.org
  • Tell us about your event on Facebook!

It’s a win-win. LA Stormwater gets outreach materials out to the public and you get important environmental information to people attending your event– all at no cost to the City or event organizers. Now that’s thinking outside the box!