At-Large Representative


At-Large Employee Representative of Business
At-Large Commercial Property Owner Representative
At-Large Senior Representative
Arts District Resident Representative
Arts District Business Owner Representative
Chinatown Resident Representatives



Chinatown Business Owner Representative


El Pueblo De Los Angeles At-Large Representative
El Pueblo De Los Angeles Business Owner Representative
Little Tokyo Resident Representative
Little Tokyo Nonprofit Representative
Solano Canyon Resident Representative
Solano Canyon Nonprofit Representative
Victor Heights Representatives
Click here to download Final Canvass of Votes (pdf)
Challenge 1Response
Open Board Seats 2014 – Historic Cultural NC
At-Large Representatives
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholders who live, work, own property or those who declare a stake within the HCNC boundaries as a community interest stakeholder and who are 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property or those who declare a stake within the HCNC boundaries as a community interest stakeholder and who are 15 years or older.
Laura Velkei – I am a 5 year resident & property owner in the Arts District, but as a native Angelino, my relationship to the AD goes back over 20 years. I am a veteran of two presidential campaigns as well as numerous state and local races. In addition to serving on former President Bill Clinton’s first campaign, I served as President Obama’s CA State Director of Volunteers in 2008. My expertise includes community organizing, volunteer recruitment and management, web development, social media, & coalition building. My emphasis in the AD has been to increase community engagement, responsible and sustainable development, urban landscaping and the introduction of art to public spaces. I have diligently attended the HCNC meetings to stay abreast of issues important to the AD. I would be deeply honored to continue my service as a member of the HCNC board and humbly ask for your support and your vote.
Arts District Resident
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholders who live (and can provide an exact address) within the Arts District geographical area and who are 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Arts District and who are 15 years or older.
Orin D Woinsky – I have been a resident of (and property owner in) the Arts District for 9 years. After serving my immediate community as Treasurer of the Molino Street Lofts for 4 years, I would like to continue serving the larger community via the Neighborhood Council. I’m a servant leader, dedicated to the improvement our community for all residents, unlike those who pursue narrow self interest under the guise of “community.” I’m a committed, outgoing and persuasive individual eager to work as a team with others on the Council to maintain the spirit of the Arts District while we navigate the many complex changes on our immediate horizon. I humbly ask for your vote and will serve with respect and honor. Thank you.
George Rollins – The Arts District has been my home for 35 years. I am dedicated to giving the Arts District a much needed voice in city government, to keeping Art in the Arts District, and to helping residents and business owners create the future. I have lived in, and owned the property at 800 Traction Avenue since 1978 when I turned the former coffee and spice factory into the first artist owned, Artist in Residence project in what is now the Arts District.  I’ve worked here, made art here, raised my family here, and I am deeply familiar with the creative core population and the organic growth of the district. I know exactly how we got to where we are today. We are now faced with formidable quality of life and development issues that need addressing.If you want experience and commitment on your Neighborhood Council, please consider giving me your vote.
Arts District Business Owner Representative Term: 4 years 1 Elected Stakeholder who is a business owner (and can provide an exact address) within the Arts District geographical area and who is 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Arts District geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
Christopher Fudurich – Hello! I’ve been an Arts District resident and business owner since 2000. I am also a board member of the Los Angeles River Artists and Business Association and was treasurer for 4 years. I love the people and places in this community and want to be as involved as possible with the direction.
Chinatown Resident
Term: 4 years
2 Elected Stakeholders who live (and can provide an exact address) within the Chinatown geographical area and who are 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Chinatown geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
Nat Lowe – I am running as a Chinatown Resident Representative. I have been a resident of Chinatown since 2012 and have since been enamored by our vibrant, diverse and historic community. I am committed to 1) promoting the rich multiracial and multiethnic diversity of our neighborhoods and 2) ensuring quality, linguistically and culturally accessible services for ALL residents and visitors and 3) strengthening the civic participation and integration of working-class immigrant families and individuals in our American democracy. I am also an active member of local nonprofit organizations Chinatown Community for Equitable Development (CCED) and Chinese American Citizens Alliance – Los Angeles Lodge. I respectfully ask for you consideration to represent Chinatown as a Residential Representative. Thank you.
Ne Hung Hom –
Wai So Yuan –
Chinatown Business Owner Representative
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who is a business owner (and can provide an exact address) within the Chinatown geographical area and who is 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Chinatown geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
Alexis Readinger – Hello neighbors. I am running for the HCNC as a Chinatown business owner. I am also a Chinatown property owner and resident. I have an architecture and interior design firm on Chung King Road and am involved in building adaptations and growth within the Chinatown community, as well as in greater Los Angeles, Hawaii, Texas and Mexico. I am on the board of the Chinatown Business Council and the Chung King Road Association. I believe neighborhood voice is critical to healthy community. I am committed to a vibrant and integrated evolution for Chinatown that springs from within. I would like to better serve my neighborhood by participating in the Historical/Cultural Neighborhood Council. Thank you for considering me.
Norman Qin Nie –
El Pueblo de Los Angeles At-Large Representative
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who lives, works, or owns property (and can provide an exact address) within the El Pueblo de Los Angeles geographical area and who is 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the El Pueblo de Los Angeles geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
Norma Garcia – Mis amigos y comerciantes, When I arrived on Olvera Street in 1962, I started in the Latin American Trade Mart and later worked at the El Paseo when it was owned by Mr. Webb and Mrs. Peluffo. Currently our family has owned Casa California for over 45 years and I have worked on Olvera Street for over 50 years. I am currently the Assistant Treasurer for the Olvera Street Merchant Association Foundation that promotes the Mexican culture & heritage. I am a member of the Traditional Events Oversight Committee that coordinates all of the traditional events on Olvera Street. I am now serving as a member on the History Cultural Neighborhood Council. I am asking for your continued support by voting for me as the At-Large Representative for El Pueblo. Thank you.
El Pueblo de Los Angeles Business Owner Representative
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who is a business owner (and can provide an exact address) within the El Pueblo de Los Angeles geographical area and who is 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the El Pueblo de Los Angeles geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
Valerie Garcia Hanley – Dear Friends & fellow Merchants, When Olvera Street opened in 1930, as a Mexican Marketplace, my father was appointed by Christine Sterling (our founder) as Shoeshine Boy #10. In 1934 my Grandmother was given a spot to help support her children. My family and I have owned Casa California for over 45 years and I am a 3rd generation merchant. Olvera Street is my 2nd home. I am currently the Treasurer for the Olvera Street Merchant Association Foundation that “Preserves the Past to Enlighten the Future”, which promotes the Mexican culture & heritage. I am a member of the Traditional Events Oversight Committee that coordinates all of the traditional events on Olvera Street. I have served, in the past, as an appointed member of the Historic Cultural Neighborhood Council. I am asking for your continued support by voting for me as the Business Representative for El Pueblo. Thank you.
Little Tokyo Resident Representatives Term: 4 years 1 Elected Stakeholders who live (and can provide an exact address) within the Little Tokyo geographical area and who are 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Little Tokyo geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
Howard Nishimura R6_HCNCHoward Nishimura – I am running for the Little Tokyo Resident seat. I have worked and lived in Little Tokyo since 1967. I am a former CRA commissioner in 1977-1984. I am well versed on the history and culture of Little Tokyo and Downtown area. I am former president of the Little Tokyo Community Council.Retired from my CPA practice in 2008.
Looking forward to serving the HCNC communities.
Little Tokyo Nonprofit
Representative Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who is from and a part of a nonprofit (and officially designated by the organization s/he wishes to represent). The nonprofit must be a 501(C) type of organization in good standing throughout candidacy, election and term, must provide an exact address within the Little Tokyo geographical area and who is 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Little Tokyo geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
LA 173388.FI.adv.himi-fong.KAF.1.JPGRon Fong – I am interested in continuing to serve Little Tokyo and the Historic Cultural Neighborhood Council as the Little Tokyo Nonprofit Representative. I am currently the director of the Asian Pacific Islander Small Business Program, a nonprofit that helps entrepreneurs to start or expand their small and micro businesses. I’ve previously worked at Little Tokyo Service Center to develop affordable housing and worked with many in the community to create planning and design guidelines to help preserve its unique character. I believe my work in Little Tokyo, continuing participation in the Little Tokyo Community Council, membership on Metro’s Regional Connector Community Leadership Council and my familiarity with nonprofit issues in general gives me the experience to best represent Little Tokyo as its Nonprofit Representative on HCNC. I respectfully ask for your support to be your representative and pledge to work diligently on your behalf.
Solano Canyon Resident
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholders who live (and can provide an exact address) within the Solano Canyon geographical area and who are 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Solano Canyon geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
Yvette Grageda – Yvette Grageda – I’m a Solano Canyon resident of 18 years. I’ve raised my two teen-aged children here always making sure that they were a part of this close-knit community, where they have been baptized at San Conrado Mission and have attended Solano Avenue Elementary. I strongly believe that as a citizen of your community one has the duty to give back. As such, I currently serve as 2nd Vice President of the Solano Canyon Community Organization. During the 2011-2012 school year, I served as the Solano PTA Secretary. I’ve also been a Substitute Teacher there for seven years. Plus, I’m a volunteer Art Teacher at the Los Angeles Theatre Academy. If elected as a representative with the HCNC I will continue to be a positive advocate for Solano Canyon and for our greater Los Angeles district.
Solano Canyon Nonprofit Representative
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who is from and a part of a nonprofit (and officially designated by the organization s/he wishes to represent). The nonprofit must be a 501(C) type of organization in good standing throughout candidacy, election and term, must provide an exact address within the Solano Canyon geographical area and who is 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Solano Canyon geographical area and who are 15 years or older.

Lydia A. Moreno –

Victor Heights Resident
Term: 4 years
2 Elected Stakeholders who live (and can provide an exact address) within the Victor Heights geographical area and who are 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) within the Victor Heights geographical area and who are 15 years or older.
Xiayi Shirley Zhang – I am running for the HCNC as a resident of Victor Heights. I have lived in the Downtown Los Angeles area since 2005 and Victor Heights since 2010. Though I am currently a renter, I am in escrow to purchase a property in Victor Heights – a testament to my love and commitment to the area. In 2011, I had the privilege to serve my community as Miss Los Angeles Chinatown. The experience gave me an insightful and inspiring perspective into the different needs and wants of our community. As someone who lives and works, plays and sleeps, eats and drinks, walks and breathes, and soon (knock on wood) will own a piece of this neighborhood and this community, its well-being and future development is of genuine concern to me. I hope you will allow me the opportunity to serve Victor Heights as a Board Member of the Historical/Cultural Neighborhood Council.
Steve Rice –
Don Toy –
Dafne Gokcen – I have worked in the HCNC since October 2012 and I have lived here since July 2013. Big changes are coming to this area – the Regional Connector will make Little Tokyo a hub and new multi-family developments will gentrify Chinatown and the Arts District. In Victor Heights, we’re also impacted by new developments in Echo Park. The demographics are shifting to be increasingly young, single professionals who have been priced out of downtown. While I respect longtime residents, I want to be a voice for this new demographic. It’s important for neighborhood councils to reflect both long-time and recent residents and I hope to become a voice of the new generation on the HCNC.I have a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from USC and I currently work as a land-use consultant. As a result, I have a lot of experience working with neighborhood councils around the city.
Valkov IrinaIrina Valkov – I believe in safe, creative, clean and thriving environment, where a community can grow and exist. I live and work in Victor Heights, and will continue to do so in the future. I care about my community and my neighborhood, therefore I am submitting my candidacy for the Resident Representative for Victor Heights.Sincerely,
Irina Valkov
At-Large Employee Representative of Business
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who is an employee of a business within the HCNC boundaries and who is 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) or those who declare a stake within the HCNC boundaries as a community interest stakeholder and who are 15 years or older.
Mark Alan Rothenberg – I am extremely passionate about the growth and well being of Los Angeles and more specifically, the areas comprising the HCNC. As an architect, I relocated my firm to the Arts District 25 years ago. I am currently on the Board of Directors of the HCNC (6 years), Friends of Park 101 (3 years), and am a founding member of Arts District Los Angeles (ADLA) BID. Due to my professional background and involvement in local community affairs, I believe I bring to the community a fair and balanced perspective with respect to responsible real estate development. I have oftentimes been both an outspoken critic and supporter of proposed real estate developments, city improvement projects, and local businesses. My goal is to help make our city safer, cleaner, and more beautiful. It is for these reasons why I am seeking re-election to the HCNC Board. Thank you for your support.
At-Large Commercial Property Owner Representative
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who owns commercial property within the HCNC boundaries and who is 15 years or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) or those who declare a stake within the HCNC boundaries as a community interest stakeholder and who are 15 years or older.
Michael Tansey –
yuval head hcncYuval Bar-Zemer – Greetings – I live and work in the Arts District and Victor Heights neighborhoods for the past 12 years. As the manager of Linear City, a progressive real estate development firm focused on environmentally sensitive and community oriented developments such as the Toy factory Lofts, the Biscuit company lofts, 7 + Bridge and now nearing completion “The Elysian” in Victor Heights.Each one of these project played a vital role in revitalizing and transforming the environment in a positive way providing new amenities, bringing new jobs to the neighborhood. I serve as a board member at LARABA, FOLAR, ADCCLA, Toy Factory lofts HOA and Biscuit Company lofts HOA
Raising my two daughters in our neighborhood made me keenly aware of the various needs our community has.
I hope to win your confidence and deliver high quality service to the community that will enhance our quality of life.
At-Large Senior Representative
Term: 4 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who lives, works, owns property within the HCNC boundaries and who is 62 years of age or older. Stakeholders who live, work, own property, own a business or participate in non-profit groups, schools, associations and organizations (and can provide an exact address) or those who declare a stake within the HCNC boundaries as a community interest stakeholder and who are 15 years or older.
Bob Shilland R6_HCNCBob Shilland – As a retired Coast Guard Lieutenant Commander, I began working for the California State Lands Commision in maritime pollution prevention in 1993. Last December I retired again after serving the State for over 20 years, most recently as Operations Supervisor in the Marine Facilities Division. I have lived in the Arts District for 8 years and have seen it change dramatically. On local levels, I have used my MBA to serve as Treasurer for two organizations for nearly 9 years, the last being on the HOA of the lofts where I live. I have the time and the inclination to make the area around me a better place for all who live and visit here!
Wai Hang Ng –
June Aochi Berk – I have been a stakeholder of the Little Tokyo area since prior to WWII. Except for the War Years, my family and I have been actively involved in Little Tokyo area. I volunteer for a number of nonprofit organizations as well as participate in many of the activities in the Little Tokyo and Historic Cultural Neighborhood Community.
Pauline Chau –

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Polling Hours:
3 pm – 7 pm

Little Tokyo Towers
455 East 3rd Street #101
Los Angeles, Ca 90013


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Candidate Filing Closed 2/18/14

Deadline for Filing is February 18


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