Alliances and Coalitions
Neighborhood Councils from throughout the city come together regularly, sometimes by region, sometimes by issue, sometimes citywide, and always with a collective representative voice. Neighborhood Councils have significant opportunities to work with regional and citywide organizations in addressing issues, taking positions, and engaging their communities and City Hall. At the same time, LA’s elected officials and department leaders also have several powerful opportunities to engage LA’s 99 Neighborhood Councils by connecting with the many Alliances and Coalitions.
Alliances and Coalitions: |
Meeting Times & Locations: |
E-Mail: |
Webpage: |
Social Media: |
The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition (LANCC) are members of the 97 Certified Neighborhood Councils. |
1st Saturday 10:00 AM LADWP |
The Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (VANC) represents the 34 councils in the Valley. |
2nd Thursday 6:30 PM Sherman Oaks Hospital |
WRAC is a cooperative regional alliance made up of 10 Neighborhood and Community Councils as well as 3 additional non-certified Community Councils. |
3rd Wednesday 8:30 AM Lenny’s Deli |
Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Alliance focuses on involving Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles’ citywide plans for emergency preparedness and resiliency. |
Last Saturday 10 AM | | ||
South LA Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (SLAANC) |
4th Thursday 6:30 PM Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 884 7213 2991 Passcode: 191132 |
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Harbor Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (HANC) The Harbor Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (HANC) represents the seven councils in the Gateway and the Harbor. |
1st Wednesday 6:30 PM Kaiser Permanente Way Harbor City |
Alliance of River Communities (ARC)The newest regional organization is the Association of River Communities (ARC) which includes councils from Silver Lake and Los Feliz to Eagle Rock and Boyle Heights. |
Please email the Alliance to find out where and when the next meeting will be taking place. |
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DWP Advocacy and MOU Oversight The DWP Advocacy Committee takes positions on water and power issues while the DWP MOU Oversight Committee ensures the effectiveness of the NC/DWP MOU. |
1st Saturday 8:30 AM Advocacy: Odd Months MOU Oversight: Even Months 111 North Hope Street |
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Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates (NCBA) The NC Budget Advocate process was created to help Neighborhood Councils present an annual list of budget priorities to the Mayor and City Council. |
1st Monday 7 PM Downtown LA |
Plan Check Neighborhood Councils PlanCheckNC was created by Neighborhood Council stakeholders to promote more stakeholder participation in Planning and land use issues. |
2nd Saturday 10:00 AM Please email to receive meeting location. |
Congress of Neighborhoods (NCCongressLA) NC leaders from throughout the city have partnered with EmpowerLA to host the annual Congress of Neighborhoods at City Hall every September. |
Visit for event news + planning meeting info |
Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA) advances sustainability and resilience across LA through advocacy, sharing of best practices, and community action. | | |
LGBTQ+ Alliance of Neighborhood Councils of Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils works to create visibility, safety, and equality for Angelenos identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and Angelenos across the gender and sexuality spectrum that letters and words can’t yet describe.By serving a bridge between stakeholders and the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system. |
Email them or visit their website to get monthly meeting details: |