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Open Board Seats 2014 – Granada Hills North NC
Community Interest
Representative *
Term: 2 years
1 Elected Person who declares a stake in the Neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder and who is 18 years or older. Persons who declare a stake in the Neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder (See Art. 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Jim Summers – If elected, I will carry out – increased outreach, so stakeholders know what is going on. I also encourage community input and use of technology to allow stakeholder input in a timely manner. My profession is in real estate, I am a proponent of the average family over commercial interests, especially in residential zones.
I’m for video taping meetings and upload to the web. I am for government transparency – not only at the NC level, but also Council, City and above. I love Granada Hills – all of it!
District One Seat Representative
Term: 2 years
1 Elected District One Stakeholders who are 18 years or older. District One Stakeholders (See Art. 3.2(a)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
District Two Seat Representative
Term: 2 years
1 Elected District Two Stakeholders who are 18 years or older. District Two Stakeholders (See Art. 3.2(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
District Three Seat Representatives
Term: 2 years
13 Elected District Three Resident Stakeholders who live or own property within the Neighborhood and who are 18 years or older. District Three Resident Stakeholders who live or own property within the Neighborhood (See Art. 3.2(c)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Donna Zero – I began my involvement in GHNNC in 2003 as a means to give voice to our community. I am currently on the board of the GHNNC and would like to continue serving my community as a board member. I believe that Neighborhood Councils are critical in giving neighborhoods input into city government.
Ray Pollok – Since my retirement as Vice President and General Manager of Northrop Grumman Aviation I have dedicated myself to giving back to my community. As a Board Member of the GHNNC since 2008 I was elected 3 times as Financial Officer and 3 times as the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee where I have developed great relationships with the heads of city departments so that I think I am making a real contribution to the safety of our community.At the same time I have served 6 terms as Commander of the Granada Hills Veterans of Foreign Wars Post serving our local Veterans.In my spare time I am a Board Member of the Granada Hills Rotary Club and Member of the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce.
Bill Hopkins – As District 3 Representative, I serve on Planning and Land Use Management, Public Safety, Outreach, and Citywide Issues committees and am Chair of Emergency Preparedness. To help the community survive and recover from disaster, I write articles for Granada Hills Life magazine and teach Map Your Neighborhood, a free program that prepares neighbors to help one another immediately after a calamity. I’m a principal organizer of the Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair, largest in the SFV. I represent our stakeholders on the Recycled Water Advisory Group, helping to ensure L.A. has a reliable, safe, and sustainable water supply into the future. I was honored as the North Valley Coalition Environmental Citizen of the Year for 2012-2013. Among my local concerns are graffiti removal, overbuilding, traffic, health effects of Sunshine Canyon landfill, and emergency preparedness. I ask for your vote so I may continue to work diligently to keep Granada Hills a safe and enjoyable place to live, work, and play.
Wayde Hunter – Background: Retired Industrial Engineer, working on behalf of the community with the agencies of the City, County, and State that oversee the Sunshine Canyon Landfill. Maintain active support for solid waste disposal and recycling efforts including the County’s Alternative Technology Advisory Subcommittee (ATAS), the City’s Zero Waste, SWIRP, and RENEW LA programs. Responded to most Environmental Impact Reports, and Mitigated Negative Declarations in the San Fernando Valley.
Positions currently held:
*President, North Valley Coalition of Concerned Citizens Inc. (NVC) – Granada Hills, CA
*President, Patriot Oil Community Benefit Trust Fund of 2002, Granada Hills, CA
*Board Member, District 3 Representative, Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council – City of Los Angeles & Vice Chair GHNNC Planning & Land Use Management Committee
*Vice Chair, Sunshine Canyon City & County Landfill Community Advisory Committee
*Member, Alternative Technology Advisory Subcommittee – County of Los Angeles Solid Waste Management Committee/Integrated Waste Management Task Force
Sid Gold – I have served the GHNNC organization as a founding member. My family and I have lived in Granada Hills since 1965. I have served the council since its inception and have held several executive council positions.
William Edward Lillenberg – Past 6 years served on NC and Plum Comm., after 39 years with LA City Planning and 3 years in C.D 12 Office. Want GH and Valley a quality area to live for all residents with better trans.,quality stores, schools and jobs. All changes should be for quality of life considerations.
Robert Ryder – My name is Rob Ryder, and I am a homeowner in Granada Hills with my wife (an Archaeologist for U.S.F.S.) since 2001. During this time, I have worked to keep our neighborhood clean and our property values high. I keep in touch with our LA City council members, and up-to-date with city policies. I regularly attend local interest meetings from the MTA planning, Neighborhood Watch, and communicate with various LA City departments in the interest of Granada Hills – I also serve as Tree Planting Supervisor for the TreePeople organization. I am proud to have my uncle serve as Assistant LA City Attorney. I am a hard-working, motivated professional, having worked at Princess Cruises for over a decade, I am now the Creative Director of the oldest luxury travel company in the world, Cox & Kings. I look forward to your vote, and working to maintain our common neighborhood interests.
Rahim Kazi – I am proud to say that I was elected, (the 1sttime), to serve on GHNNC’s Board during 2010 Elections. During this term, was elected and served as the Treasurer and have served on Public & Safety Committee.

Our GHNNC community has given me so much over the years that it’s my obligation to give back by serving the community.

Among many visions for our Neighborhood Council, ensuring a Safe and Healthy environment for all Homeowners/Businesses with in our Districts is the most important and vital.

To achieve this goal, I will work with the board to establish a transparency in policy making. We will provide stakeholders opportunity to bring their Concerns/Issues to the board in order to have their voices heard by our elected representatives in the City Hall.

Currently, employed by a Film Production Co as Controller/CFO. I am a CPA, EA and Notary Public.


Mike Chibidakis
Vanessa Silver – I have been a resident of Granada Hills for the past 15 years. It is where I am raising my sons and conducting my business. I hope to be an involved contributor for others to be able to enjoy the Granada Hills neighborhood feel we have enjoyed these many years.
Scott A. Manatt – I have served the GHNNC organization as a founding member. My family and I have lived in Granada Hills since 1965. I have served the council since its inception and have held several executive council positions.
Karen Savitt – As a resident of North Granada Hills for 27 years, I would like to be more involved in the community. I have held positions in various organizations so I believe I could work with the neighborhood council. I am retired giving me the time to serve…
Student Representative
Term: 2 years
1 Elected Stakeholder aged 16 to 25 years old on the day of the election, who is a student. Stakeholders aged 15 to 25 years old on the day of the election who are students (See Art. 5.1(b)).
Darian N. Fontes – I am a student at North Valley Military Institute. I am a cadet wanting to make a difference in the community. I look forward to meeting you in person to share my ideas.
Educational Representative
Term: 2 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who is actively involved in a school (or similar) within the Neighborhood and who is 18 years or older. Stakeholders who are actively involved in a school (or similar) within the Neighborhood (See Art. 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Zak – I love my country.I love my job.I love my neighborhood.I see the beauty and future in its youth everyday that I work with them.They are the future of this world.Therefore I will continue working with our future leaders by helping them achieve their potential and keep the neighborhoods they go to school and live in safe and clean.
Youth Group Representative Term: 2 years 1 Elected Stakeholder involved with any youth group that meets regularly within the Neighborhood and who is 18 years or older. Stakeholders involved with any youth group that meets regularly within the Neighborhood (See Art. 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Neighborhood Organization Representative
Term: 2 years
1 Elected Stakeholder involved with any community group that meets regularly within the Neighborhood and who is 18 years or older. Stakeholders involved with any community group that meets regularly within the Neighborhood (See Art. 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Jan H. Subar – I have been a member of GHNNC for 5 years, and have served in the local Neighborhood Watch basic car program for 27 years. I have been chairperson of 2 basic cars and always involved in safety in my area. I am a RN with a master’s degree and teach in Universities. I am currently co-chairperson of our Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUM), and serve on our safety committee. I want to use my knowledge and ability dealing with others to help our beautiful neighborhood be all it can in today’s challenging times.
Small Business and Workers Representative
Term: 2 years
1 Elected Stakeholder involved in a Neighborhood business employing 75 or fewer workers and who is 18 years or older. Stakeholders involved in a Neighborhood business employing 75 or fewer workers (See Art 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Edward Headington
Residents Associations Representative
Term: 2 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who lives within the Neighborhood and is a member of a valid HOA (or similar) and who is 18 years or older. Stakeholders who live within the Neighborhood and are members of a valid HOA (or similar) (See Art. 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Michael Greenwald – As a Board Member and President of the Granada Hillside Property Owners Association we know we have many Homeowners Associations within our boundaries that need representation.We will reach out to them and work to bring their concerns to the Council.
Parks Representatives
Term: 2 years
1 Elected Stakeholder who is a member of any parks organization that meets within the Neighborhood and who is 18 years or older. Stakeholders who are members of any parks organization that meets within the Neighborhood (See Art. 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Environmental Representative
Term: 2 years
1 Elected Stakeholder involved with any environmental organization that meets within the Neighborhood and who is 18 years or older. Stakeholders involved with any environmental organization that meets within the Neighborhood (See Art. 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Faith-Based Representative
Term: 2 years

1 Elected Stakeholder involved with any faith-based organization located within the Neighborhood and who is 18 years or older. Stakeholders involved with any faith-based organization located within the Neighborhood (See Art. 5.1(b)) and who are 18 years of age or older.
Ralph Kroy
Board Affirmation in lieu of an Election
Monday, January 27, 2014
Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School
12227 Balboa Blvd.
Granada Hills 91344


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Candidate Filing Closed 01/15/14


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