
Earthquake Preparedness for Older Adults

In collaboration with Councilman Tom LaBonge and Mitch Englander, this month’s Emergency Management Department (EMD) bulletin discusses earthquake preparedness for older adults. Seniors, especially those with medical issues and/or limited mobility, can be especially vulnerable should an earthquake strike. It is recommended that senior citizens create a personal support network made up of several individuals [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:16:59-07:00October 3rd, 2014|Blog, City Departments|Comments Off on Earthquake Preparedness for Older Adults

Earthquake Preparedness For People with Disabilities

In the event of a large earthquake or disaster, rescuers may not be in a position to provide immediate help to all individuals. It is important for neighborhoods to establish a plan for self-sufficiency in case such an event ever occurs. Residents should prepare to be self-sufficient for a period of seven days. In collaboration with Councilmen [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:17:17-07:00September 5th, 2014|Blog, City Departments|Comments Off on Earthquake Preparedness For People with Disabilities