The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates have created something a little different for their survey this year. You are invited to participate in their very first Service Report Card. A chance for YOU to rate the public services in your neighborhood on a sliding scale and express specific local concerns.
Fill out the online Service Report Card now to advocate for your community!

The Service Report Card is a quality of life survey created from issues discussed during the Neighborhood Council Budget Day breakout sessions held on June 27th 2015 at City Hall. Budget Representatives from all of the Neighborhood Councils had a chance to voice their local concerns. Basic City Services are always the top priority.

The results from the Service Report Card will help the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates convince our Mayor and Los Angeles City Council to concentrate funds to the issues and services that matter to our stakeholders the most.

Please encourage survey participation and share this link within your community and circle of influence.

Together we can bring attention to problem service areas and increase the quality of life for every Angeleno.


Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates