Dear Friend:

Your voice matters and is an important part of the Los Angeles City Council’s efforts to reform the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (DWP). The DWP is the largest publicly-owned utility in the nation and ratepayers who own the utility, deserve a department that is responsive to their needs. As such, I am calling on our city’s Neighborhood Councils, alliances and other community groups to get involved and offer input and ideas on how to better improve the accountability, operations, and affordability of the department. The Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods committee, which I chair, has proactively sought out feedback from community members and conducted several regional meetings citywide since February.

On Tuesday, May 17, 10AM, the City Council will hold a public meeting and discussion on the various reforms aimed at enhancing DWP governance. No action will be taken at the meeting, but members of the public are encouraged to attend to provide testimony and ideas for reform. The City Council must put forth recommendations for reform and vote on ballot language by July 1 in order to qualify for the November General Election.

One final community hearing is scheduled for Thursday, May 19, 6PM, at West Angeles Performing Arts Theater. Please attend and invite your friends and neighbors to participate.

Attached to this email is a flyer for next week’s community hearing and an easy-to-read fact sheet explaining what DWP reform is all about.

So pull up a chair, and have a seat at the table. Use social media to get involved using ‪#‎DWPReform. All ideas welcomed. For more information, please visit

Los Angeles City Council President Herb J. Wesson, Jr.