Greetings! We hope our weekly newsletter finds you well.

Thanks to those Neighborhood Councils that have submitted bylaws changes in order to meet our deadline of May 1, 2015. Please remember that as we gear up for elections, it is critical that we have all changes in by the identified deadline. The Bylaws Moratorium will be effective May 1, 2015 which means that after this date and for a significant time thereafter, we will not be able to accept bylaw adjustment applications. If you need assistance and/or guidance with changes to your bylaws, please reach out to your Neighborhood Empowerment Advocate..

Our field operations team continues to work on providing assistance through training and by providing strategic advice and technical assistance via telephone, e-mail or by attending your meetings. Our requests for board training and board retreats are starting to pick up and staff are doing their best to provide you with the needed support and guidance. We’ve completed so far three Ethics and Open Government and Funding trainings, next week we will be in the West Area and also the Harbor Area. Please rsvp as soon as possible for these trainings so that we can better prepare with handouts and refreshments.

Agendas & CIS
Thank you for sending your agendas to As of the beginning of the fiscal year, July 2014 to present, we have received 2,492 agendas which have been posted to the Early Notification System (ENS). Please continue to send them in and don’t forget that we need them in pdf format. With regards to Community Impact Statements (CIS) since start of the fiscal year, we are up again at 147! Kudos to those NCs making use of this great and unique tool! Congratulations on your CIS participation, we see it increasing every week and are thrilled that you are taking advantage of the use of the CIS.

Civic University
Please remember that the deadline to register for Civic University is coming up soon. We need two participants from each neighborhood council; a man and a woman. The sessions are divided into three evenings: 4/2/15; 4/8/15 and 4/15/15, all sessions start at 6:00 p.m and you must attend all three. Please let your respective NEAs know who has been selected by the board and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to build your tool chest and build your NCs capacity and development.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach us at or by calling the Department’s Help Line at (213) 978-1551.


Leyla A. Campos
Director of Field Operations

Empower Yourself. Empower Your Community. EmpowerLA