I hope our newsletter finds you well. We spread some more Neighborhood Council love internationally with a State Department delegation from South Asia on Monday. Many thanks to Neighborhood Empowerment Advocate, Melvin Canas, for taking the lead in welcoming them! As usual, our guests were impressed with the breadth of the Neighborhood Council system and the amazing work that our board members do for their communities. I’ll continue spreading LA’s Neighborhood Council gospel internationally when I travel to San Sebastian Spain next weekend to present on our Neighborhood Councils at the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy. I’m so looking forward to bragging about Neighborhood Councils to folks from aournd the world!

Please share with your stakeholders the reminder to vote on Tuesday, November 8th. Click here for a City postcard reminder to get out the vote that you can share with your community members. One of the many propositions on the ballot is for the homeless bond (HHH). In response to questions from the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates, the CAO has put together a FAQ sheet on their website. The CAO has also included Neighborhood Councils in a notification to the City Council about the State Constitution’s Gann Initiative, which limits the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fiscal year. Based on the City’s population percentage change and the change to California per capita income, the limit for FY 2016-2017 is $5,101,477,580. For more information, please see the article below.

code-for-americaI was very happy to send some of our staff to the Code for America Summit in Oakland this week. It’s important to learn the newest innovations in government, and I’m looking forward to hearing from our team members about how we can continue to improve our services for Neighborhood Councils. You can check out some of the mainstage presentations for Code for America here.

Don’t forget that the NC-LADWP MOU Oversight Committee and the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition meet tomorrow. Next week, the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Council holds their famous Planning Forum for folks with all levels of planning experience.

Have a wonderful weekend!