
Share Your Neighborhood Council Story

What hot-topic issues has your Neighborhood Council had an impact on in your community? Share your story with us for a chance to be featured in story pitches to local news outlets interested in covering the 2019 Neighborhood Council elections. Fill out this form to submit your story for consideration: http://bit.ly/NCStoriesSubmission

Call for Artists & Submissions – Sacred Memories 2018: Cross Cultural Expressions of Day of the Dead

Presented by El Pueblo Historical Monument, El Pueblo Park Association, and the Department of Cultural Affairs, Sacred Memories 2018: Cross Cultural Expressions of Day of the Dead will feature various artistic interpretations that explore the world’s rituals that venerate the departed, including Dia de los Muertos.   Artist submissions are due 11:59 p.m. Sunday, September 2, 2018.  To [...]

By |2018-07-02T10:16:10-07:00July 2nd, 2018|Arts & Culture, Blog, Culture and Community|Comments Off on Call for Artists & Submissions – Sacred Memories 2018: Cross Cultural Expressions of Day of the Dead

Join embRACE LA for 100 Dinners & Dialogue About Race

EmbRACE LA aims to build and strengthen relationships between LA's communities by fostering open, honest, and meaningful conversations around the dinner table. From April 16-20, 100 dinners will be hosted around Los Angeles to engage 1,000 Angelenos in conversations about race with their neighbors. The hope is to unite neighbors to challenge inequities and develop [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:11:18-07:00March 2nd, 2018|Blog, City Hall, Culture and Community|Comments Off on Join embRACE LA for 100 Dinners & Dialogue About Race

El Pueblo Historical Monument Hosts Free Fun Family Events in March

El Pueblo Historical Monument hosts several fabulous free events throughout the month of March, including the world-renowned Blessing of the Animals March 31st, and the Lantern Festival this Saturday March 3rd. Check out their full March event calendar, and download printable flyers you can share with your friends and stakeholders. From Her: An Exhibition in [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:11:19-07:00March 2nd, 2018|Blog, Culture and Community, Events|Comments Off on El Pueblo Historical Monument Hosts Free Fun Family Events in March

SELAH Neighborhood Homeless Coalition

The SELAH Neighborhood Homeless Coalition is a multi-neighborhood alliance across an area of the city that historically has had fewer resources, services, and facilities for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Our goal is to create a neighborhood-level movement to respond to homelessness in a proactive and compassionate way through advocacy, education, and engagement. WHEN TO CALL [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:11:44-07:00November 3rd, 2017|Blog, Culture and Community, Los Angeles, NCs Making a Difference, uncategorised|Comments Off on SELAH Neighborhood Homeless Coalition

Condemned To Be Modern

City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs Announces Landmark Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA Exhibition, Condemned To Be Modern Curated by Clara Kim at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Condemned To Be Modern is presented by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) at its Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (LAMAG) in partnership with the Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles. Condemned [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:11:45-07:00October 27th, 2017|Blog, Culture and Community, Events|Comments Off on Condemned To Be Modern