Earthquake tips for persons with disabilities and others with access functional needs

This month’s Emergency Management Department (EMD) bulletin focuses on what persons with disabilities and others with access and functional needs can do before, during and after an earthquake.

Before an earthquake

  • Secure your space at home by bolting to wall studs items like book cases and tall furniture. Remember, most injuries are caused by falling furniture or objects, and objects that obstruct you from leaving after the shaking stops.
  • Install cabinet doors and latches to protect the contents and prevent them from fall out during an earthquake.
  • Remove pictures and heavy objects from above your bed or sleeping area.
  • Secure essential equipment such as oxygen tanks or other life support devices, so they will not fall, sustain damage or cause injury.
  • Create a disaster plan which includes your family and Personal Support Team (PST). Specify how you will communicate in an emergency and how you will reunite with each other. Visit to get started.
  • Create a disaster supply kit and store it in an accessible place. Stock it with essentials like water, non-perishable food, medication/medication list, flashlight with extra batteries, battery operated radio, and other supplies for your specific needs and those of your service animal. Visit for more information.

When the shaking startsemd

After the shaking stops

  • Check yourself for injury.
  • Follow your disaster plan; notify your out of area contact of your status, then keep phone lines clear.
  • Remain aware of your surroundings. Look around for hazards such as broken glass and objects in your way.
  • If you are in a public place that is unsafe, move or get assistance in moving to a safer location.
  • Expect aftershocks; they may change conditions or create new hazards.
  • Evacuate only if necessary, otherwise stay where you are. However, if the authorities advise an evacuation for your area, follow their directions

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