I hope our newsletter finds you well. I’ve been home sick most of this week with a mean bug that made its way around the office so take care during this flu season.

mayorgarcettiAs you know, Neighborhood Council elections are in full swing. HUGE thanks to Mayor Eric Garcetti for supporting Neighborhood Council elections outreach with this great message!

There are a few deadlines today. If you haven’t already taken the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates great Service Report Card you still have today to take it. The Budget Advocates will present the final results to the City so be counted! Also, you can still apply to attend Civic University 2.0, which starts in February. We’re really excited to partner with the Mayor’s Office and Cal State LA’s Pat Brown Institute to offer this one of a kind hands on advocacy training. Don’t miss it!

The new Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Alliance settles into its monthly meeting time next Saturday at 10 am at the Emergency Management Department. This meeting will be focused on the emergency communication system of ham radio and the different operator groups in Los Angeles. Hope to see you there!

Just a reminder that our office will be closed on Monday, January 18th, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners meeting scheduled for that date has been cancelled.

Have a happy and healthy weekend!