I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you are having a Happy Halloween! I’m thrilled to share that we received a certification application from South LA for the 96th Neighborhood Council in the City – Zapata King Neighborhood Council. I really want to thank their forming committee, and our NEAs Taneda Larios and Lisette Covarrubias for supporting their many year journey to get to this point. We’ll be reviewing the application and then sending it to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners for a decision.

I spoke with some of the Zapata King forming members on Tuesday when, at the invite of Chair Darlene Atkins, I stopped by South LA to meet with some of the new board members of Voices of 90037 Neighborhood Council to talk Neighborhood Council shop. As always, it was a pleasure to meet our passionate board members and discuss how they can best use their energies to help their community.

We’ve been busy this week reviewing all the recommendations from Neighborhood Council leaders on how to improve the new checking account system. You can still weigh in online as we have extended the survey through the weekend. Speaking of surveys, you still have an opportunity to weigh in on the Bureau of Street Service’s sidewalk survey. The deadline is today, but please keep submitting over the weekend, and we will get the information to BSS.

Just a reminder that next week, the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners moved their regular meeting on Tuesday to Thursday, Nov. 6th, so that you’ll have the opportunity to get out and vote on November 4th.

If I don’t see you at the LANNC meeting tomorrow, have a great weekend!


Grayce Liu,
General Manager
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment aka EmpowerLA