Thank you for your assistance in the 2017/2018 Neighborhood Council Inventory. In order to finalize your inventory for 2017/2018, each Neighborhood Council will need to agendize a review and approval of the inventory report in the month of June. During the week of May 28th, each Neighborhood Council will receive a detailed letter and an inventory report to be reviewed by the Board. Also included will be a template for the motion to approve the completed inventory; as well as directions on how to dispose of any unused inventory. Please note:


  • Every Neighborhood Council is responsible for reviewing the report and approving the items on the report.

  • Any changes to these items, (i.e. lost/stolen items, broken items, salvaged items etc.) need to be noted and submitted back to EmpowerLA.

  • Any items purchased between the date the inventory was completed and June 30, 2018 need to be added to the inventory report.

  • The board must also submit a Board Vote Count approving/denying the inventory report to EmpowerLA no later than July 15, 2018.