Each year, the City of Los Angeles receives federal grant funds to assist businesses to create jobs; provide job training for adults and youth; improve neighborhoods through projects that eliminate slum and blight; provide affordable housing, domestic violence shelters, and fair housing services. These grant funds are limited and need to be prioritized and targeted in a way that will provide the most benefit to the most people. We will be submitting the plan to the federal government through the Consolidated Action Plan and want to get public input on the plan for the Councilmembers to consider as they review and revise the plan.

The annual Action Plan, beginning April 1, 2016, will cover the fourth year of the City’s five-year, transit-oriented Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan. We are hosting three public hearings to gather public comments on the draft Action Plan that the Mayor will be releasing. The locations, dates and times are below. If you are unable to attend a meeting and you wish to send public comments, please send to hcidla.planning@lacity.org.

Please join us at the following location. Refreshments will be provided:

South Los Angeles – Wednesday, February 17, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

South Los Angeles Constituent Service Center
8475 S. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90044