The Department of City Planning is coordinating seven public forums to provide the public with a sneak peek at the new Zoning Code concepts. The City’s Zoning Code is being comprehensively rewritten for the first time in 70 years through re:code LA, one of the largest planning initiatives to date. A modern, streamlined Code that is easier to use with better zoning options and more transparent, predictable processes is one of the Department of City Planning’s priorities. See the attached flyer in English and Spanish for more information on upcoming public forums where you can come to an open house and presentation. Also check out our website to learn more!

Also attached is the Planning Department’s Park Fee recommendation report for amendments to the City’s Zoning Code and General Plan to modernize the City’s Park Mitigation Fee (currently the Quimby and Finn fees). The City Planning Commission will be hearing this item on March 24, 2016 at 8:30AM at the Van Nuys City Hall.