If you, your loved ones, or your business were impacted by the recent Saddleridge Fire, below is a list of all government and non-government agencies who can help you find answers to your questions and obtain recovery resources.
City of Los Angeles | Description of Services |
Recreation and Parks | -Provide on-site resources and assistance, including childcare for parents visiting the LAC with their children. https://www.laparks.org/ |
Department on Disabilities | -Assist people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs who visit the LAC. -Provide referrals to service providers for individuals impacted by the fires who may have lost durable medical equipment or had an interruption to services. https://disability.lacity.org/ |
City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department | -Provide all-hazards disaster preparedness and recovery information. https://emergency.lacity.org/ |
Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) | -Answer residents’ questions regarding fire risks and mitigate efforts/steps
-Provide information about precautions to take ahead of rainfall/precipitation. |
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) | -If questions/concerns about burglaries in evacuated areas arise, be on hand to assist with complaints. http://www.lapdonline.org/ |
Office of the Mayor | – Answer residents’ questions and serve as liaison and representative of Mayor Eric Garcetti. https://www.lamayor.org/ |
Mayor’s Crisis Response Team | -Provide residents with mental health counseling when requested, and pertinent information about long-term mental health following the fires. http://lacrt.org/ |
Council Districts 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 | -Answer residents’ questions and concerns, and serve as liaisons back to Council Offices. http://cd5.lacity.org/ http://cd6.lacity.org/ http://cd7.lacity.org/ http://cd11.lacity.org/ http://cd12.lacity.org/ |
Los Angeles Public Works – Sanitation – Bureau of Engineering – Street Services |
-Provide residents with information regarding trash collection, utilities, bill payments and assistance. – Provide information regarding any additional trash pickups or resources -Provide information on planned mitigation measures ahead of precipitation https://dpw.lacity.org/ |
Department of Water and Power | -Provide information on billing and charges. -Coordinate assistance with restoration/repairs to water and power service. https://www.ladwp.com |
Animal Services | -Provide information about pet health and safety **general information only, no medical advice ** http://www.laanimalservices.com/ |
Aging | -Provides appropriate information and referrals on applicable/available department services for the seniors. -Assists older adults and their caregivers with onsite service locations, facility needs, and other resources. http://aging.lacity.org/ |
Building and Safety | – Provide assistance with permits and building and safety codes. http://ladbs.org/default |
Economic & Workforce Development Department | -Provides information on workforce development for individuals and economic development for business owners.http://ewddlacity.com/ |
Non-Governmental Agencies | Description of Services |
American Red Cross | -Disaster relief referrals, disaster assistance programs. https://www.redcross.org |
Salvation Army | -Disaster assistance programs https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/ |
Tzu Chi Foundation | -Comfort and housing kits, limited financial assistance. https://tzuchi.us/ |
Disabled American Veterans | -Provides immediate financial help to veterans. https://www.dav.org/ |
SoCal Edison | -Power turn-off, bill forgiveness, final bills, planning information once it is safe to restore power. https://www.sce.com/ |
SoCal Gas | -Gas shut-off, gas assistance and safety checks. https://www.socalgas.com/ |
State Farm Insurance | -Answers questions about homeowner’s insurance. https://www.statefarm.com |
Los Angeles County | Description of Services |
Department of Public Health | -Emergency preparedness, safe cleanup after fire, food safety, mental health services, public health services. http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/ |
Department of Mental Health | -Referrals for mental health counseling, grieving, coping, resources and clinics. https://dmh.lacounty.gov/ |
Department of Public Works | -Information on how to properly dispose of debris and accredited list of contractors for trash pickup.
-Stormwater engineering; mud/flow advice; environmental -(Building & Safety) safety assessments; rebuilding info |
Consumer Affairs | – Assist residents/businesses with next steps after disaster, preventing price gauging, landlord and tenant rights. |
Office of the Assessor | – Provide home value assessment information and tax deferment options. https://assessor.lacounty.gov/ |
Veterans Affairs | -Expedited federal and state veteran benefits. https://mva.lacounty.gov/ |
Office of Emergency Management | -Answer questions and provide information on individual assistance and other financial and material resources that may be provided to impacted community members. https://ceo.lacounty.gov/emergency-management/ |
Animal Care | -Provides medical treatment of injured animals, food, shelter and boarding. https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/view-our-animals/ |
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) | – Provided residents with air quality information, including information about ongoing monitoring. http://www.aqmd.gov |
State | Description of Services |
California Department of Insurance | – Provide residents with information regarding insurance coverage and other. http://www.insurance.ca.gov/ |
California Office of Emergency Services | -Provide residents with information and guidance regarding safety and preparedness. https://www.caloes.ca.gov/ |
United States Small Business Administration (SBA) | -Provide small business owners with information regarding government assistance. https://www.sba.gov/ |
Employee Development Department (EDD) | – Answers questions about unemployment. https://www.edd.ca.gov/ |
Contractor’s License Board | -Consumer protection, regulates construction contractors and provides information on licensed contractors. http://www.cslb.ca.gov/ |
Franchise Tax Board | -Provides copies of tax returns, personal/ https://www.ftb.ca.gov/ |
Department of Motor Vehicles | -Assists with procuring/reproducing identification documents. https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv |
Tax and Fee Administration | -Aids non-service businesses that pay sales and use tax with documents, avoiding penalties/fees and tax extensions. https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/ |
Federal | Description of Services |
USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service | -Aids farmers, ranchers, and private land managers with conserving natural resources and post-disaster mitigation. https://www.nrcs.usda.gov |