
Last Chance to Give Feedback on Commission’s Proposed Policies for NC Member Orientation, Censure, Removal Processes

Since August 2019, the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners has held numerous town hall meetings across the City on their draft policies on leadership orientation, an NC resolution process, and consistent and transparent censure and removal procedures, receiving hundreds of public comments on these proposals in the process.  There is still time to share your suggestions [...]

By |2020-01-10T15:10:35-08:00December 23rd, 2019|Blog, Commission|Comments Off on Last Chance to Give Feedback on Commission’s Proposed Policies for NC Member Orientation, Censure, Removal Processes

Upcoming Commission Town Halls on Policies for Required Trainings & Censure/Removal of NC Members

by Eli Lipmen, President of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners is an all-volunteer group of seven commissioners, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, who serve as the policy-setting and oversight body for the Neighborhood Councils and the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. The Commission holds regular public [...]

By |2019-09-27T16:23:37-07:00July 19th, 2019|Blog, Commission|Comments Off on Upcoming Commission Town Halls on Policies for Required Trainings & Censure/Removal of NC Members

Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Seeks Feedback on NC Board Member Trainings & Censure/Removal Process

By Mike Fong, EmpowerLA Director of Policy & Government Relations The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners is seeking input regarding training for the Neighborhood Council board members, including possibly creating policies for mandated leadership and conflict resolution for board members and candidates. The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners is also seeking input regarding a possible policy regarding [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:22-07:00May 10th, 2019|Blog, Commission, Training|Comments Off on Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Seeks Feedback on NC Board Member Trainings & Censure/Removal Process

Olympic Park and Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Councils Celebrate 15 Year Anniversaries

The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners recently honored the 15th anniversary of the Olympic Park and Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Councils. Below are photos of OPNC and GWNC accepting their 15-year certificates from the Commission at their December 4th meeting at City Hall. Many thanks to both Councils for their years of service to the Angelenos in [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:46-07:00December 7th, 2018|Blog, Commission|Comments Off on Olympic Park and Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Councils Celebrate 15 Year Anniversaries

Recap of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Special Meeting on October 29th

The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners had a special meeting on Monday, October 29 at 6 pm at Hooper Avenue Elementary School in South LA.  During the meeting, the Commission and EmpowerLA celebrated the 15 year Anniversary of the Central Alameda Neighborhood Council.  Congratulations to the Central Alameda Neighborhood Council for 15 years of service and [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:49-07:00November 9th, 2018|Blog, Commission|Comments Off on Recap of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Special Meeting on October 29th

Pico-Union, Wilshire Center-Koreatown, & MacArthur Park NCs celebrate 15 years

The Pico-Union, Wilshire Center-Koreatown, and MacArthur Park Neighborhood Councils were recently recognized by the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners and EmpowerLA for their 15-year anniversaries. Congratulations to all these NCs for their great work serving their communities! Check out the fun photos below by EmpowerLA's Lilian Kim.     Wilshire Center-Koreatown NC receives a 15th [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:10-07:00August 31st, 2018|Blog, Commission, NC Success Story|Comments Off on Pico-Union, Wilshire Center-Koreatown, & MacArthur Park NCs celebrate 15 years

Attend a Town Hall on Neighborhood Council Reform (City Hall Monday August 20th)

The Los Angeles City Council has proposed a series of reforms to LA’s Neighborhood Council (NC) system, which turned 15 last year. You’re invited to join the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners for a town hall on these reform proposals next Monday August 20th at City Hall. The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners is an oversight panel [...]

By |2018-08-17T15:07:29-07:00August 17th, 2018|Blog, Commission, NC Reform|Comments Off on Attend a Town Hall on Neighborhood Council Reform (City Hall Monday August 20th)

Discuss NC Reform with the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners: Aug 15 (Koreatown) + Aug 20 (City Hall)

The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners' next town hall on the LA City Council's Neighborhood Council reform motion (CF 18-0467) is this Wednesday August 15th in Koreatown, followed by another on August 20th at City Hall. You are invited to join their conversation, and help shape the future of the NC system. Proposed reforms include the [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:16-07:00July 27th, 2018|Blog, Commission, NC Reform, Neighborhood Council reform|Comments Off on Discuss NC Reform with the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners: Aug 15 (Koreatown) + Aug 20 (City Hall)

Discuss NC Reform & Community Interest Stakeholders with the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners: Aug 15 (location TBD) / Aug 20 (DTLA)

As part of their next few meetings, the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners will hold town hall style discussions of the City Council’s Neighborhood Council Reform motion (CF 18-0467). You are invited to join their conversation, and help shape the future of the NC system. One key part of the discussion will focus on Community Interest [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:18-07:00July 20th, 2018|Blog, Commission|Comments Off on Discuss NC Reform & Community Interest Stakeholders with the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners: Aug 15 (location TBD) / Aug 20 (DTLA)

Debbie Wehbe Reappointed to Board of Neighborhood Commissioners

Congratulations to Debbie Wehbe, who was reappointed to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners representing the Central Los Angeles area.  Thank you for your service to the Neighborhood Council system, Commissioner Wehbe! photo of Commissioner Wehbe at her reappointment by LA City Council's Health, Education and Neighborhood Councils Committee taken by Mike Fong

By |2018-07-03T13:01:50-07:00July 3rd, 2018|Blog, Commission|Comments Off on Debbie Wehbe Reappointed to Board of Neighborhood Commissioners