
Share Your Feedback on Metro’s North SF Valley Rapid Transit Corridor Proposal

North San Fernando Valley stakeholders: have a say in shaping Metro's proposal for a North San Fernando Valley Bus Rapid Transit Corridor by attending one of Metro's upcoming community meetings or submitting your comments online. Proposed Transit Corridor route The proposed Rapid Transit Corridor will run along Nordhoff and Roscoe between the Chatsworth Metrolink Station [...]

By |2019-08-02T13:42:53-07:00August 1st, 2019|Blog, Metro, Transportation|Comments Off on Share Your Feedback on Metro’s North SF Valley Rapid Transit Corridor Proposal

Metro Long Range Transportation Plan

From LA Metro Thank you to everyone who participated in the public engagement process during the first phase of the Our Next LA* project. We heard you and we ask for your help again please! OurNext.LA has an easy-to-use ranking tool. We have identified five broad categories regarding the future you would like to see for transportation in Los Angeles [...]

By |2019-02-15T11:36:41-08:00February 15th, 2019|Blog, Metro|Comments Off on Metro Long Range Transportation Plan

NextGen Bus Study – Help Design the Next Generation Bus Services!

So, what is the NextGen Bus Study? Metro is designing a modern, more useful bus network. It’s time for a better bus system that fits your lifestyle, integrates with all the ways you travel throughout LA County, and gets you where you need and want to go, with flexibility for the future. The objective of [...]

By |2018-09-14T11:22:24-07:00September 14th, 2018|Blog, Metro, Survey, Transportation|Comments Off on NextGen Bus Study – Help Design the Next Generation Bus Services!