If you’ve participated in your Neighborhood Council’s planning and land use discussions, you know how challenging it can be to navigate the way project proposals are currently reviewed and acted upon in Los Angeles. Streamlining and simplifying this system in a way that still allows plenty of opportunity for public input is the goal of the Processes and Procedures Ordinance, which would overhaul the way LA handles planning and land use applications and requests.
You’re invited to share your feedback on the Department of City Planning’s recommendations for this overhaul with the City Planning Commission, who will discuss those recommendations at their October 11th meeting (meeting and comment submissions details below.) The suggested changes include a proposal to reduce the 100+ overlapping or redundant project review processes currently in use down to 50 processes that each pertain to a unique type of project.
Learn more about Department of City Planning’s recommendations
To learn more, visit the Department of City Planning’s info page about the proposed Ordinance, at https://recode.la/updates/news/proposed-process-overhaul-%E2%80%93-staff-report-and-recommended-ordinance-released
All of City Planning’s recommendations are contained in a report that is viewable here: https://recode.la/sites/default/files/project_files/CPC-2016-3182-CA%20-%20FINAL%20Staff%20Report%20with%20Appendices.pdf
*) Timesaver tip: Though the report is quite robust at 948 pages, the first 29 pages summarize the contents
City Planning Commission meeting details
Thursday, October 11, 2018 after 8:30 am
Los Angeles City Council Chamber, Room 340
200 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
(date, time, and location subject to change)
How & when to give your feedback
Bonnie Kim is City Planning’s project lead on this matter, and you may direct any questions you have to her at bonnie.kim@lacity.org. Though she is glad to help with your questions, your comments and feedback on this Ordinance must be submitted directly to the City Planning Commission. Please see below for the Commission Office’s rules for submitting comments:
- All materials delivered in response to a Recommendation Report or additional comments must be submitted no later than 48 hours before the Commission meeting. Submissions, including exhibits, shall not exceed ten (10) pages and must be submitted electronically to cpc@lacity.org (feel free to also copy Bonnie Kim at bonnie.kim@lacity.org).
- All submissions within 48-hours of the meeting, including the day of the meeting, must be a hard copy submission. Electronic only submissions will not be accepted within 48-hours up to and including the day of the meeting. Submissions may not be more than two (2) written pages, including exhibits and must include the case and agenda item number on the cover or first page. Photographs do not count toward the page limitation. Fifteen (15) collated copies of the submission must be given to the Commission Executive Assistant prior to the start of the hearing who will distribute them to the Commission.
About re:codeLA’s revamp of LA’s 72-year-old Zoning Code
This Processes and Procedures Ordinance is part of re:codeLA – the Department of City Planning’s ongoing, comprehensive program to revamp the City of LA’s Zoning Code. The goal is to create a new Zoning Code to replace the old one (which has been in effect since 1946) with a new Zoning Code that reflects the needs of 21st Century Angelenos. Read more about re:codeLA here: https://recode.la/about
How the new modular Zoning Code will work
The new Zoning Code generated by re:codeLA will be a modular system with building blocks that can be linked together in a variety of ways to create solutions customized for different needs. This graphic below from the re:codeLA website shows the elements of the new Code being proposed – you can read more about the way this new Zoning Code would work at https://recode.la/updates/news/draft-outline-gives-shape-new-zoning-code