The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners had its retreat on Monday, May 21 at the Downtown LA campus of California State University at Los Angeles. There was a presentation from the Office of the City Attorney on the hierarchy of laws and explanation as to the role of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners. Thank you to the Neighborhood Council boardmembers and stakeholders for also providing their input. There was robust discussion on a number of topics including leadership training and development, Neighborhood Council engagement with various City departments, and a certification program for Civic University and EmpowerLA leadership trainings. A potential code of conduct policy extension was also discussed as a possible item for the upcoming BONC retreat. Thank you to Human Relations Advocate Gary de la Rosa for facilitating the retreat and to Lilian Kim of EmpowerLA for organizing the retreat. Thank you to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners for a productive retreat.
A survey regarding Key Neighborhood Council Issues was created to get Neighborhood Council’s opinions on what issues are most important to them and what they would like the commissioners to discuss in their upcoming retreat. There were 176 respondents in a two week time frame. Outreach/Engaging the people was the number one issues with Neighborhood Council Training coming in at a close second. For further details, here is the link to the Commission Retreat Survey Presentation and link to the actual survey results.
The Commissioners found the survey to be very useful and would like to conduct another more comprehensive survey in 6 months. In the meantime, they will be discussing ways to give the neighborhood councils what they want in respect to Outreach and Neighborhood Council Training.