
Podcast: Interview with Evan White

Summary: Our guest today is Evan White, Communications Officer for the Venice Neighborhood Council. Evan is a public relations professional who is applying his skills with one of the most engaged and active Neighborhood Councils in the City. In our conversation, Evan talks about Venice’s unique place in Los Angeles, his role in helping his [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:25-07:00April 12th, 2019|Blog, Outreach, Podcast|Comments Off on Podcast: Interview with Evan White

EmpowerLA Podcast Interviews Ken Draper of CityWatch

Share your feedback with us: We are starting the New Year off right by asking for feedback from listeners of the EmpowerLA Podcast to find out who you want to see interviewed or what topics you want to be covered in future episodes of the podcast. Fill out this form to submit your ideas! You can also use our new email [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:42-07:00January 24th, 2019|Blog, DWP Reform, NC Plan, Neighborhood Councils, Podcast|Comments Off on EmpowerLA Podcast Interviews Ken Draper of CityWatch

Podcast: interview with City Controller Ron Galperin

Summary: Our guest for this episode is Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin. In addition to being the first person from the Neighborhood Council system to be elected to Citywide office, Ron is well known for being one of the system’s greatest advocates. In our conversation, we discuss Ron’s journey from being an active Neighborhood [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:09:53-07:00September 28th, 2018|Blog, Podcast|Comments Off on Podcast: interview with City Controller Ron Galperin

EmpowerLA Podcast wins GovTech Outstanding IT Project Award at LA Digital Government Summit

The EmpowerLA Podcast won Outstanding IT Project at the GovTech Los Angeles Excellence in Technology Awards! Congratulations to our podcast team, host Brett Shears and producer Arin Abedian, for being recognized for their hard work pioneering City Hall's first podcast. Arin and Grayce Liu were on hand at the Los Angeles Digital Government Summit to accept [...]

By |2018-08-31T13:42:52-07:00August 31st, 2018|Blog, Podcast|Comments Off on EmpowerLA Podcast wins GovTech Outstanding IT Project Award at LA Digital Government Summit

Podcast: Interview with Nazario Sauceda

Our guest for this episode of the EmpowerLA Podcast is Nazario Sauceda, outgoing Director of the Bureau of Street Services. Nazario has a long history with the City and as strong a relationship with the Neighborhood Councils as anyone. In our conversation, Nazario stresses the important role his agency plays in the everyday lives of [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:11-07:00August 24th, 2018|Blog, Podcast|Comments Off on Podcast: Interview with Nazario Sauceda

Podcast: Office of Finance with Claire Bartels

Our guest in this episode is Claire Bartels, Director of the Office of Finance. Bartels is a veteran of City Hall who has spent over three decades working for various City departments and elected officials. In our conversation, Claire talks about the financial state of our City, what the Office of Finance is doing to [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:19-07:00July 13th, 2018|Blog, Podcast|Comments Off on Podcast: Office of Finance with Claire Bartels

Podcast: Special Edition – EmpowerLA Awards (Part 1)

In this special episode of the podcast, we interviewed a dozen people to discuss a number of topics ranging from innovation in neighborhood councils, homelessness, and youth engagement. The interviews were recorded on-the-spot at the EmpowerLA Awards in the City Hall Rotunda. We hope you enjoy what this diverse group of guests had to say. A [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:10:49-07:00May 4th, 2018|Blog, Podcast|Comments Off on Podcast: Special Edition – EmpowerLA Awards (Part 1)

Podcast: Neighborhood Councils and Activism with Jamie Tijerina

Our guest today is Jamie Tijerina, Director At-Large from the Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council, where she chairs the Culture and Equality Committee and serves as the Digital Communications Liaison. Jamie is part of a new breed of board members who recognize the platform Neighborhood Councils provide for young activists -- a label she’s been [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:11:09-07:00March 23rd, 2018|Blog, Podcast|Comments Off on Podcast: Neighborhood Councils and Activism with Jamie Tijerina

Podcast: Scott Epstein on Transportation and Housing Policy

Our guest today is Scott Epstein, Chair of the Mid City West Community Council. Scott is a leader in the neighborhood council system with a passion for transportation and housing policy. In our conversation, Scott talks about the importance of these issues, how you can use the neighborhood councils to tackle them, and maybe even [...]

By |2019-07-08T11:11:25-07:00February 16th, 2018|Blog, Podcast|Comments Off on Podcast: Scott Epstein on Transportation and Housing Policy